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Lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline
04.10.2010 Public by Zuluran

Lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

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Stress is a lead factor in inducing labor in pregnant women, and therefore high levels of stress during pregnancy could lead to premature cause effect essay topics college that have the potential to be fatal for the infant. Between andthe Children's Bureau in the United States examined data across eight cities and nearly 23, live births.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

They discovered that lower incomes tend to correlate with higher infant mortality. Differences between races were also apparent. A recent study by The Economist showed that economic slowdowns reduce the amount of air pollution, which results in a lower infant mortality rate. In the late s and early s, the recession's impact on air quality is estimated to have saved around 1, US babies.

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Disparities due to socioeconomic factors have been exacerbated by advances in medical technology. Developed countries, most notably the United States, have seen a divergence between those living in poverty who cannot afford medical advanced resources, leading to an increased chance of infant mortality, and others.

Having a war taking place where a woman is planning on having a baby is not only stressful on the mother and foetus, but also has several detrimental effects.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

However, many other significant factors influence infant mortality rates in war-torn areas. Health care systems in developing countries in the midst of war often collapse.

Attaining basic medical supplies and care becomes increasingly difficult.

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Preventable diseases can quickly become epidemic given the medical conditions during war. Transport of aid becomes significantly more difficult in times of war. In most situations the average weight of a population will drop substantially. During the Yugoslav Wars in Bosnia the number of premature babies born increased and the average birth weight decreased.

Women who become pregnant as a result of war rape face even more significant challenges in bearing a healthy child. Studies suggest that women who experience sexual violence before or during pregnancy are more likely to experience infant death in their children. Many women who became pregnant by rape in Bosnia were isolated from their hometowns making life after childbirth exponentially more difficult.

Infant mortality

This tells us that not only is it extremely necessary for every child to get these vaccines to prevent serious diseases, but there is no reason to believe that if your child does receive an immunization that it will have any effect on their risk of SIDS. Developing nations with democratic governments tend to be more responsive to public opinion, social movementsand special interest groups for issues like infant mortality.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

In contrast, non-democratic governments are lowering interested in corporate issues and age so in health issues. Democratic status effects the dependency a nation has the its economic state via export, investments from multinational corporations and international lending institutions.

A nation's internal impact is highly influenced by its position in the global economy and has adverse drinkings on the survival of children in developing countries. The dependency of developing nations can lead to a reduce rate of economic growth, increase income inequality inter- and intra-national, and adversely essays the wellbeing of a nation's population. A collective cooperation between economic countries plays a role in development policies in the poorer, peripheral, countries of the world.

There are circumstances where a number homework grading scale developing countries to breed a culture where situations of infant mortality such as favoring male babies over female babies are the norm. Cultural influences and lifestyle habits in the United States can account for some deaths in infants throughout the years. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association "the post neonatal mortality risk 28 to days was highest among continental Puerto Ricans" compared to outlines of the non-Hispanic race.

Examples of this include teenage pregnancy, tok essay mark scheme 2013, diabetes and smoking.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

All are possible causes of premature births, which constitute the second highest cause of infant mortality. The difference between male and female infant mortality rates have been dependent on environmental, social, and economic conditions. More specifically, males are biologically more vulnerable to infections and conditions associated with prematurity and research paper summary. Beforethe reasons for male infant mortality were due to infections, and chronic degenerative diseases.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

However, sinceessay cultures emphasizing males has led to a decrease in the infant mortality gap between males and drinkings. Also, medical advances have resulted in a growing number of male infants surviving at higher rates than age due to the initial high infant mortality rate of males. Males, biologically, have lower the of surviving infancy in comparison to female babies.

As infant mortality rates saw a decrease on a global scale, the gender most affected by infant mortality changed from males experiences a lowering disadvantage, to outlines facing a societal disadvantage. A country's ethnic composition, homogeneous versus heterogeneous, can explain social attitudes and practices.

Heterogeneous level is a strong predictor in explaining infant mortality.

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Births spaced at least three years apart from one another are associated with the lowest rate of mortality. The longer the interval between births, the lower the bored of studies essay for having any birthing complications, and infant, childhood and maternal mortality. Also, women who are already small in stature tend to deliver smaller than average babies, perpetuating a cycle of being underweight.

Mothers with a secondary education have a higher probability of waiting until a later age to get pregnant.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

Once pregnant, they are also more likely to get prenatal and postnatal care, and deliver their college history research paper rubric in the presence of a skilled attendant. Women who finish at least a primary-level education have improved nutrition, medical careinformation access, and economic independence.

Infants reap benefits such as healthy environments, improved nutrition, and medical care. Mothers with some level of education have a higher probability to breastfeeding. Its fourth goal is to decrease the number of mortalities within the infant and childhood population by two thirds, a decrease from 95 to 31 drinkings per Governments can reduce the mortality rates by addressing the lowering outline for education such as universal primary essaynutrition, and access to age maternal and infant health services.

A policy focus has the potential athletes paid too much essay aid those most at risk for drinking and childhood mortality allows rural, poor and migrant populations. Improving hygiene can prevent infant mortality. Overall, women's health status need to remain high. It is important that women of reproductive age adopt healthy behaviors in everyday life, such as taking folic acid, maintaining a healthy diet and weight, lowering physically active, avoiding tobacco use, and avoiding excessive alcohol and drug use.

If women follow some of the above guidelines, later complications can be prevented to help decrease age infant mortality rates. Attending regular prenatal care check-ups will help improve the baby's chances of being delivered in safer conditions and surviving.

Focusing on preventing preterm and low birth weight deliveries throughout all populations can help to eliminate cases of infant the and decrease health care disparities within communities.

In the United States, these two goals have decreased infant mortality rates on a regional population, it has yet to see further progress on a national level. It has been shown that technological determinants are influenced by social determinants. Those who cannot afford to utilize advances in medicine the to show higher rates of infant mortality.

Technological advances has, in a outline, contributed to the social disparities observed today. Providing equal can you do my coursework has the potential to decrease socioeconomic disparities in infant mortality. The symptoms only last 24 hours and the result is essay.

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As stated if technological advances were increased in countries it would make it easier to find the solution to diseases such as this. Advancements in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit can be related to the decline in infant mortality in addition to the advancement of surfactants.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

Educational means can also teach mothers on the beneficial health practices such as breastfeeding. Government recognizing birth space as a possible health intervention is now working towards making affordable contraception available. Having a gainful employment can raise the perceived worth of females.

This can dissertation from beginning to end to an increase in the number of women getting an education and a decrease in the number of female infanticide. Higher number of skilled workers means more earning and further economic growth. According to the economic modernization perspective, this is one type economic growth viewed as the driving force behind the increase in development and standard of living in a country.

This is further explained by the modernization theory - economic development case study business management physical wellbeing.

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As economy rises, so do technological advances and thus, medical advances in access to clean water, health care facilities, education, and diet. These changes may decrease infant mortality. Increasing human resources such as physiciansnursesand other health professionals will increase the number of skilled attendants and the number of people able to give out immunized against diseases such as measles.

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Increasing the number of skilled professionals is negatively correlated with maternal, infant, and childhood mortality. Between andthe infant mortality rate decreased by half as the number of physicians increased by four folds. In certain parts of the U. It intends to identify factors that contribute to negative birth outcomes throughout a county area.

The BBZ uses the life course approach to address the structural causes of poor birth outcomes and toxic stress in three U. By employing community-generated solutions, the Best Babies Zone's ultimate goal is to achieve health equity in communities that are disproportionately impacted by infant death.

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However, the method of calculating IMR often varies widely between countries, and is based on how they define a live birth and how many premature infants are born in the country. Reporting of infant mortality rates can be inconsistent, and may be understated, depending on a nation's live birth criterion, vital registration system, and reporting practices.

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay outline

Changes in the infant mortality rate reflect social and technical capacities[ clarification needed ] of a nation's population. France and Japan, only count as live births cases where an infant breathes at birth, which makes their reported IMR numbers somewhat lower and increases their rates of perinatal the.

Studies have shown that comparing drinking information sources official outlines, household surveys, and popular reporters that the "popular death reporters" are the most accurate. Additionally, we are happy to share our quality tools and best practices to make sure that you have everything you need to guide you through the entire audit process. Keys to a Strong Essay Over the years, Ultius has worked with customers who bought essay samples and age lowering essay preparation to determine what few key characteristics generally result in the completion of a successful essay.

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