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Influence Of Packaging On Consumer Buying Behaviour Free Essays
04.12.2010 Public by Zuluran

Thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

The role of perception in consumer behaviour - Marco Erlenkamp - Seminar Paper - Business economics - Marketing, Corporate Communication, CRM, .

But a crucial aspect of ecommerce gets often lost among all this information — your customers online behaviour. Part of the reason is that it seems obvious — someone lands on your site, finds products he or she wants and providing the price is right, shipping is within reason and the product is available of course, buys.


There is much more to the user buying process than the 4 stages framework commonly discussed: Need recognition Evaluation of alternatives Purchase There are underlying processes that happen during each of those stages.

Patil Institute of Management respectively proposed a model for online customer behaviour. It is not the first time a model like this has been developed but I found theirs to be most relevant to customers of today. The FFF model takes into consideration internal and external factors affecting consumer buying behaviour.

Role of Packaging on Consumer littlelearners.edu.om | Behavior | Consumer Behaviour

It then proceeds to discuss various filtering elements customers will apply to make a selection of a store to purchase from and revised filtered buying behaviour based on their final selection. Graphically the model representing customer journey to purchase looks electricity thesis statement this: Factors Starting from left, the first element Kimar and Dange identified are factors that motivate customers to buy products or services online.

They divided them into two categories: The external factors are the ones beyond the control of the customers.

thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

They can divide into five sectors: Demographics, socio-economics, technology and public policy; culture; sub- culture; reference groups; and marketing. Internal factors are personal traits or behaviours and include attitudes, learning, perception, motivation, self image, and semiotics.

Consumer behaviour dissertation

Based on such factors customer develops what Jagdish Sheth, a professor of marketing at Emory University defined as two distinct types of buying motives: The functional motives relate to consumer needs and could include things like time, convenience of shopping online, price, the environment of shopping place i. The non-functional motives relate more to the culture or social values like the brand of the store or product for instance. Filtering Elements Kimar and Dange recognized security, privacy and trust as three hurdles to online purchases.

thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

Customers use these three factors to filter their buying choices and decide on the final selection of stores they are willing to buy from. Even if you are cheaper. Compared to traditional brick and mortar shops, online shopping carries more risk during the purchase process.

thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

Customers recognise online as a high level risk purchase and have become aware of what might happen with their data online. They use that knowledge now to filter their purchase options by 3 factors: Your payment details or personal information could easily be retrieved from a database it is stored in by the shop for instance, as we have seen recently with few major security breaches.

The digital impact on buying behaviour

In general, perception is gathering information through our senses, which are seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling and sensing.

Through these senses we can perceive things, events or relations. But as there are so many different stimuli only a small portion of them are noticed and an even smaller amount can really reach our attention.

thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

Although the distinction between sensation and perception is not that easy as it was believed in former times, a rough distinction can be made. Sensation is the immediate response of our sensory receptors to such basic stimuli as light, colour, etc. Perception is the process by which these stimuli are selected, organized and interpreted. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten Figure 1 The perceptional process When talking about perception we always have to keep in mind that we perceive the world not as it is, but as we think it is.

Role of Packaging on Consumer Behaviour.mba.Thesis

That means that there are innumerable perceived worlds out there. This statement is based on the fact that every human being relates the observed world to its past experiences, its values, etc. Perception is more than just gathering information about a certain event at a certain time. It involves, recognizing stimuli, processing and storing them.

thesis on role of packaging on consumer buying behavior

The major challenge for the marketer is to identify the target customer and to find out, how this customer perceives the world. That will help to adjust all marketing activities to the target customer.

Role of Packaging on Consumer Buying Behaviour

Apperception is seeing in the light of experience. Apperception involves expectation, foreknowledge. Apperception is an idea, already in the mind, that influences the interpretation of what is newly seen.

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14:12 Samushicage:
Marketers have long tried to appeal to consumers in terms of self-reference and involvement, because according to Bettman, Capon and Lutz.

10:27 Kazikasa:
Many models were born during the last century. The topic of the thesis is "How packaging designs of cosmetics affect female consumers' Apperception involves expectation, foreknowledge.

20:17 Fenriran:
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23:00 Fauramar:
Importance of location for customers. Second, the theory highlights the importance of moving consumers through the sales pipeline.

14:18 Vilkis:
CPGare products that are sold quickly at relatively low cost. Consumer Buying Behavior, Packaging. They always go for quality Perception about the product Different people have different perceptions.