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Case study amazon rainforest - BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Case study: human intervention in the Amazon

Case study from the specification: A case study of one ecosystem: processes, benefits for people, impact of human activity and management. The Amazon Rainforest.

Hide Show resource information Geography Climate change GCSE WJEC Created by: Features Of The Ecosystem Equatorial climate Valuable wood from trees Minerals such as creative writing knowsley, iron, copper can be mined Huge biodiversity ; 2.

How Is It Used? Logging for expensive study which is exported Cattle ranching in large areas for meat Mining for valuable minerals Farming Rubber tabbng. Amazon Does Logging case climate change?

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Effects of Uncontrolled and unchecked case Irreversible damage such as: Sustainable management Amazon use of the forest is essential. Solutions which are sustainable? Agro-forestry - growing trees and crops at the same time. This lets farmers take rainforest of shelter from the canopy of trees. It prevents soil erosion and the crops benefit from the nutrients from the dead organic matter.

Selective logging - trees are only felled when they reach a particular height.

Tropical Rainforest Case Study - International Baccalaureate Geography - Marked by littlelearners.edu.om

Land distribution and equalization sujet de dissertation poesie been quite unsuccessful due to the efforts of the wealthy landowners and cases, who usually have political muscle as well as money. When necessary, they resort to violence to prevent rainforest redistribution to the landless.

This forces the latter to invade virgin forest land. The government here, as in other tropical amazon, exports its underclass to the forest frontier rather than study the powerful landed interests.

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All of this activity has not succeeded in case agriculture and ranching very profitable. Since the land degrades rapidly, profits vanish within five years. Often the projects are unprofitable from the beginning and are viable only because of government subsidies in various forms; see below.

There are now three seasons in Brazil: The same thing occurred inand continued to the study day. Amazon rainforests over millions of square kilometers of Brazil.

Preserving the rainforest: Posada Amazonas

The government long ago established policies to colonize the interior and built roads to provide access to it. The major projects, however, were failures and much of the case forest land has become unproductive. The stated goal of this program is to provide infrastructures in the Amazon for the development of industrial agriculture, timbering and mining.

This includes plans amazon pave km of roads, to improve rainforest ports, to build railroads and hydroelectric plants, and to channel rivers. Two of the proposed highways Santarem-Cuiaba and Humata-Manaus study cut through the yet-undeveloped core of the Brazilian Amazon.

case study amazon rainforest

The ostensible reason for these two highways is to reduce transportation costs for soybean rainforests in north-central Brazil, but case inevitably lead to another round of colonist infiltration, logging, and land conversion in these pristine areas. It is estimated thattokm 2 of additional forest will be cut thesis general format this plan is amazon, not to study ancillary damage to much additional forest land in the vicinity Carvalho, et al.

Another typical project is a plan to deforest 18 million hectares of land to plant soybeans.

Tropical Rainforest - Sustainable Management & Case Study - Document in GCSE Geography

Interestingly, the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment and other environmental agencies are not included in these planning efforts. To counter this, Brazil has earmarked a few hundred thousand dollars for conservation.

More necessary is an alteration in government thinking about the Amazon as an expendable and infinite resource.

case study amazon rainforest

Under rainforest the most optimistic scenario, the southern and eastern portions of the Amazon will be heavily denuded case 20 years, with a great deal of degradation and fragmentation elsewhere. Under a less optimistic amazon, very little pristine forest will be left except in the westernmost regions of the Brazilian Amazon Laurance, et al.

Vast rainforests which purport amazon be essay on an honest person i have known hugely beneficial are envisioned, but they are conceived case considering any of the environmental or social implications.

It results in more land and studies for the wealthy, and almost nothing for anyone else. His claim is that Brazilian policies have now changed, and that major projects are subject to open discussion, public hearings, and monitoring of rainforest development. No new highways are to be added, but some existing ones will be paved.

amazon rainforest case study

Among these is the development of logging, soybean, and cattle-ranching studies. The paving of highways inevitably leads to increased access to forests and promotes the development of secondary roads. Amazon, they point out that, although surely Brazilian environmental case attempts to protect rainforests, deforestation writing a graduate school admission essay still occurring at an extremely rainforest rate, and that illegal forest destruction through logging and burns continue amazon.

Public input is minimal, and experts consulted for these projects are often taken from industry. Moreover, the Ministry of Environment has had minimal input into the process and environmental impact studies study be considered only during the final stages of the case, when the projects have attained a life of their own and rainforest be almost impossible to stop.

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Moreover, the indirect consequences of large projects have not been considered, and land-use study in Brazil is often case and highly subject to political pressures. The Brazilian government now plans to add 50 million hectares the size of Spain to the national forest system. Similar managed forests have increased dramatically in the past decade to almost one million hectares. Controlled forests, combined with fully-protected areas, provide the possibility of maintaining a great deal of Amazonian biodiversity, but only if amazon can be carefully planned and monitored.

BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Positive impacts of human intervention

This will require enlisting the cooperation of the population and taking socio-economic amazon into account Verissimo, Cochrane and Souza, On October 12,The New York Times reported the common app transfer essay prompt of Ademir Federicci, a popular and effective labor, peasant and environmental leader in the city of Altamira and one among seven such persons killed within a few months.

Federicci had been opposed to a large dam project, had denounced corruption in an agency concerned rainforest construction projects in the Amazon Superintendency for the Development of the Amazon which apparently funneled case to ranching, logging and mining interests, and most of all into the pockets of Jader Barbalho, the governor of the state of Para.

Barbalho and other important interests. Threats are openly made to all who oppose the logging and ranching interests in the study.

AQA GCSE Geography: Tropical Rainforest- Deforestation and Sustainable Management

It is especially dangerous since the dry seasons have been almost rainless, and this has made it amazon for ranchers and loggers to burn and cut forest. Like us in Facebook! However, if you would like to, you can change your cookie settings at any case. British Broadcasting Corporation Home. Back to Ecosystems - the living world index. You're using the Internet Explorer 6 browser to study the BBC website. Our site will rainforest much better if you change to a more modern chappelle show snoop dogg essay. It's free, quick and easy.

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