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Ielts writing essay with answers
21.10.2010 Public by Zuluran

Ielts writing essay with answers

Essay: Many believe that creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas (words, pictures, music and films).

IELTS General Training Writing Practice Tests

View this lesson for more advice on writing IELTS essay introductions. For your body paragraph, each paragraph should contain one controlling idea, and have sentences to support this. Lets look at the first paragraph for the essay about IT.

ielts writing essay with answers

The essay is about the benefits and drawbacks of IT, so these will need to be discussed in separate paragraphs. Here is the first body paragraph: To begin, email has made communication, especially abroad, much simpler and faster, resulting in numerous benefits for commerce and business.

IELTS Sample essays (IELTS Writing Task 2)

Furthermore, the World Wide Web means that information on every conceivable subject is now available to us. For example, people can access news, medical advice, online education courses and much more via the internet.

It is evident that these improvements have made life far easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come.

ielts writing essay with answers

The controlling idea in this first paragraph is the 'benefits of IT', and there are two supporting ideas, which are underlined. No drawbacks are discussed as the paragraph would then lose coherence.

IELTS writing test - sample answers

Most of the essay will focus on the negative aspects of IT, as the writer says there are more negative effects in the introduction. So the next two paragraphs are about these.

ielts writing essay with answers

The topic sentence in the next paragraph therefore tells us we are changing the focus to the negative points: Nevertheless, the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial. For example, many people feel that the widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation. This could result in a decline in people's basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis.

Common app transfer essay prompt

The final body paragraph gives the trinity college australia essay competition negative effect: In addition, the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control. This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses.

Unfortunately, this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at least until more regulated systems are set up.

ielts writing essay with answers

Re-state what the essay is about re-write the last sentence of your introduction in different words Give some thoughts about the future Here is an example: In writing, developments in IT have brought many benefits, yet I believe developments relating to new technology are likely to produce many negative effects in the future that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts on individuals and society.

The with IELTS Essay: It is true that environmental destruction is also a serious issue, but it is also true that we remain dependent on our answer if we never accept the ielts of exploring other worlds. In conclusion, while we undoubtedly face serious problems on our own planet, it is imperative that we continue to explore essay.

ielts writing essay with answers

This will promote further technological advances as well as provide a possible means of escape should earth become uninhabitable in future. Ideally, all nations should cooperate in the advancement of space research. The introduction effectively paraphrases the question and presents a clear opinion.

Concrete examples are given.

ielts writing essay with answers

The model answer is divided into clear paragraphs and each body paragraph contains one main idea. There are cohesive links between all paragraphs and between most sentences.

IELTS Writing Task 2: Agree / Disagree Essay

The key concept of space exploration is paraphrased several times. There are many words characteristic of academic writing such as originated, imperative, and foresee. Vocabulary is used with a strong awareness of collocation: Grammatical range and accuracy: The model answer is free from grammatical errors.

ielts writing essay with answers

A good balance of simple and complex sentences is used to develop an argument. Verb tenses vary, and other grammatical devices such as conditionals and modals are used with high accuracy.

ielts writing essay with answers
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15:00 Yoramar:
Review and check common grammatical errors and also learn how to use complex sentence structures to increase your grammatical range and accuracy. Mike provides you with a comprehensive feedback about your mistakes and weaknesses and he also suggests you how to get rid of them. I have made a considerable progress from 6.

10:14 Shakall:
Here is my brief plan for the essay. You should spend about 40 minutes for Task 2.