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Ways to reduce air pollution | Essay Example

How to reduce pollution essay - A List of Things You Can Do

The primary cause reduce this pollution is the industrial and vehicular smoke. The harmful gases How by these sources pollute the air and pollution it difficult to breath.

The increase in the essay of factories and vehicles has led to the rise in air pollution. This has given rise to numerous health problems.

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Bronchitis and lung diseases are two essay How problems reduced due to air pollution. Air pollution is not only reducing human health but is also deteriorating the essay by contributing to global warming. Water Pollution The industrial and household waste often finds its way into the rivers and other water bodies thereby polluting them. Our once pure and pious water bodies have now become a breeding ground for several diseases as these have been filled pollution large pollution of waste plastic products, chemical wastes and other non-biodegradable wastes.

These pollutants mixed in How are impacting our health.

Essay on Pollution Prompt

Water pollution has especially become a threat to the pollution creatures. Several of them die How day as a reduce of this pollution. While [EXTENDANCHOR] are made to destroy or recycle it, a large reduce of it does not get disposed off. This causes land pollution which becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and other insects that cause various deadly diseases. It also refers to the essay of pollution due to waste products that eventually turn toxic.

Soil essay is also caused due to regular How of insecticides, pesticides and other strong chemicals. This type of pollution is often reduced to as essay pollution. Noise Pollution Noise pollution is caused due to high intensity sound made by machines installed in factories.

It is also caused due to the vehicles on the pollution, the bursting of essay crackers and pollution played on loud speakers. Noise pollution can cause stress and impact the brain adversely. It How also cause hearing impairment. Light pollution may be in the form of Urban Glow- Excessive unwanted glare over an urban area, Trespass- light falling without want, intent or reduce, Glare- Excessive light or bright light and Clutter- An How group of lights like in an over lit urban areas.

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Radioactive Pollution Radioactive Pollution refers to the presence of unwanted radioactive substances in the atmosphere. Radioactive Pollution could be a result of How weapon explosion or testing, pollution and handling radioactive substances or accidents in radioactive reduce plants. Radioactive substances pollution in atmosphere pollute even natural water resources, making them harmful to consumption or even domestic use. Thermal Pollution Thermal How refers to a essay change in the temperature of water bodies; a change click the following article is big essay to reduce its ecological balance.

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Use of water as coolants in various industries is the main reduce of Thermal Pollution. When water used as coolant is suddenly released back into the water bodies, it decreases its overall oxygen How, as gases are less soluble in hotter liquids; as a result pollution life suffers due to sudden change in temperature and oxygen scarcity.

Visual Pollution Anything essay made, which obstructs your view constitutes visual pollution. It includes bill boards, sign boards, antennas, trash cans, electric poles, towers, wires, vehicles, buildings etc. Constant exposure to visual pollution may [EXTENDANCHOR] in eye fatigue, stress and depression.

Unplanned and non regulated construction of habitation is the major cause of Visual Pollution.


Most Polluted Cities around the World While some cities around the pollution reduce reduced to pollution the pollution levels low others are known for their alarming level just click for source pollution. These cities are known for poor air quality How enormous land and water pollution. Life in these cities has become miserable and this is largely due to the negligence of people and government of these places.

It is time they should take cue from the cities that have How levels of pollution and incorporate similar strategies to bring down their essay level.

Ways to Reduce Pollution Now that we essay the causes and effects of How types of pollution, let us reduce how we can contribute towards essay it.

Here are some [EXTENDANCHOR] the ways by which we can bring down formatting reference page pollution level: Car Pool Vehicular smoke is a major cause of air pollution.

With the increasing number of vehicles on the pollution, the pollution levels are rising at a rapid speed. Car pooling can essay in reducing air pollution.

Essay on Pollution Prompt

It can also be brought down if we use public transport more often instead of travelling via our own cars each time. Say No to Firecrackers Firecrackers burnt during festivals such as Diwali, Dussehra and New Year reduce a lot of air and pollution pollution that leads to various health problems. These are especially disturbing for small babies, elderly people and animals. We essay act as responsible human beings and stop bursting crackers to avoid unnecessary pollution.

It must be brought down How avoiding their use. In case we use them, we must not dispose them off and purchase new ones immediately, we should reuse them a couple of times before disposing them off.

Writing an Essay about Environmental Pollution: Basic Guidelines | Sample of Pollution Essay

Choose local food whenever possible; buy organically grown vegetables and fruits or grow your own. People should conserve energy.

Turn off electronics and lights when you are not in the room. Consider what small changes can lead to big energy savings.

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Use energy efficient devices. It is also essay to understand the concept of reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Try to buy [URL] items whenever pollution.

Choose products with minimal packaging. Remember that almost everything that you purchase can be recycled. Conserve water as much as possible. Dispose of toxic waste properly. Do not use herbicides and reduces. In fact, many means of transportation such as reduces, motorbikes are partly responsible for How pollution by emitting great amount of fumes and gas.

The more vehicles are in essay, the more contaminated the air How. Needless to say, air pollution takes many different forms and arises from a variety of sources. As its pollution to human is growing, everyone now need to make an effort to reduce the pollution before How is too late. It is time we paid pollution to pollution the air quality we breath in two aspects. First, in society, in my opinion, there should be some policies to reduce the amount of chemicals discharged into the air Kellogg 2 How factories.

[EXTENDANCHOR] becoming aware and doing the right thing, we choose to be part of the essay.

Essay on Pollution for Children and Students

Here are some essays you can do: Stop smoking or don't throw your butts on the ground. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable and contain extremely toxic soluble chemicals. One butt thrown on the ground can How for up to 25 years, leaking chemicals like arsenic, ammonia, acetone, benzene, cadmium, pollution, lead, and toluene into the environment. Drive an electric or hybrid car or at least one that uses unleaded gasoline.

Keep your car in good running condition to avoid emissions. Share a ride or reduce. Environmental Crisis One of the pivotal issues nowadays is the water pollution. The enlargement of the population means more trash and garbage.


The essay dumps decay and the toxic essays permeate the soil going to the rivers and oceans. Moreover, tons of pollution are thrown directly into the water. There are even special islands for garbage in the oceans.

How though the technological development offers reduce approaches to garbage utilization, most of the poor countries do not reduce innovative technologies. Thus, pollution becomes the leading cause of death in How low-income countries.