Prepare Your Child

Little Learners Preschool
  • Starting Pre-School is a big step both for the child and parent.

    You can help prepare your child in a number of ways

  • First

    Encouraging your child to be independent in small ways, for example tidying up after play, helping to set the table, opening their own lunch box, putting on clothes and shoes, eating independently.
    Helping socialize with a variety of people so that they feel confident with other adults and children. A mother toddler group is good for this.
  • Secondly

    Talking about starting Pre-School and what kind of activities they will enjoy. Take a photo of a child playing during their visit to remind them when they get home.
    On your child's first day do not rush them, make it a relaxed enjoyable experience. Explain that you will come back to pick them up soon and leave as soon as your child has started an activity.
  • & Lastly

  • This may take about six sessions depending on the child's personality. If they become too upset we will always call you to collect them. When you arrive you are welcome to stay and play with your child for a short while. This will help your child settle in quickly.
  • Call the school after one hour to check how your child is doing. The separation can initially upset them but this is normal, as long as they are not distressed for a long period they will be fine. As soon as a routine is established the child knows that you will always return.