
3.2 To 5.2 Years Old
  • Class Overview

    Our preschool program
  • Preschool

    From the age of 3 years and two months children follow the curriculum of, the kindergarten programme. Staff plan and set out activities which provide quality play opportunities for learning in areas – Mathematical, Physical Development, Knowledge & Understanding of the World, Personal, Social & Well-being, Language & Literacy, Multi Cultural Understanding and Creative Development. These areas are considered to be the essential foundation for children’s education.

    Staff plan activities which give plentiful opportunities for quality play, then children choose which activities they want to take part in.  Naturally, key workers are on hand to extend children’s games, helping them integrate self expression and imagination into their play.  Key workers also ensure that paints, pencils and other creative materials are always readily accessible so that they can help children develop good writing skills.

    All children are encouraged to behave well and show consideration for others.  They learn to follow instructions and keep to a routine, while still developing their independence.  Our mission is to ensure that every child is happy and well-cared for; we want them to leave us confident and ready for primary.

    • Age Group:
      3.2 To 5.2 Years Old
    • Class Size:
      20 Children
    • Pricing:
    • Sessions:
      7:30 To 12:30/2:00
  • Literacy and Language Arts
    • Read a lot: ask questions during and after the story
    • Start learning letters: uppercase, lowercase, and letter sounds
    • Practice drawing and writing with a variety of tools: pencils, fingers, paintbrushes, chalk, crayons, sticks, etc
    • Ask to tell a story from memory
    • Sing songs and read rhymes for phonemic awareness
    • Make books: picture books or write the words
  • girl character

  • Cognitive Skills and Math
    • Identify colors, shapes, sizes, and weights
    • Count everything and put numbers to use (put four plates on the table)
    • Recognize numbers and use objects to represent numbers
    • Practice grouping, sequencing, completing patterns, and graphing
    • Compare and classify (more/less, bigger/smaller, same/different, long/short, light/heavy, holds more/holds less)
    • Match pictures or objects that are alike, opposite, or that go together
    • Encourage problem solving skills: both working it out for herself and helping me come up with solutions
    • Talk about positions (inside/outside, left/right/middle, above/below, top/bottom, under/over, in front/behind)
    • Make a play clock and talk about time
    • Play with puzzles, do mazes and dot to dots
  • Play
    • Explore multiple solutions during story times
    • Play with puzzles and busy boxes
    • Manipulate play dough with tools such as cookie cutters and rolling pins
    • Experiment with volume through sand, water, and rice play at the sensory table
    • Formulate "why, what, how" questions in daily interaction
  • Life Skills
    • Learn about the body and self care: move towards independence with getting dressed, brushing teeth, using the toilet, washing hands
    • Learn to clean up after self and basic table manners
    • Learn about emotions and how to deal with them
    Computer Skills
    • Use the computer for educational games
    • Develop ability with mouse
  • Class Schedule

    Busy schedule full of fun, learning and growing!
  • Our games and activities will provide hours of fun for your child.

  • Carefully thought schedule to provide an overall engaging day to your kids, with no time for them to feel bored, lonely or unhappy.

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  • How to Enroll Your Child to a Class?